Michigan Promise Zones and Housing |
Rhea Acuna, Syracuse University (Katherine Michelmore, advisor) |
Student Discipline During the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Kaitlin Anderson, Lehigh University |
School Discipline for Students with Disabilities |
Kaitlin Anderson and Tsmin Dhaliwal, Michigan State University |
Understanding the Take-Up and Outcomes of Early Intervention Services in WISD |
Catherine Asher, University of Michigan |
Study of Educational Attainment in Metro Detroit |
Catherine Asher, University of Michigan |
Auto-Exit for Equity: How Reclassification Policy Influences EL Outcomes |
Caroline Bartlett and Madeline Malvogordato, Michigan State University |
Contextualized High School Performance and Student Success |
Michael Bastedo, University of Michigan |
The Consequences of Welfare Reform |
Michael Best and Lucas Husted, Columbia University |
Public Pension Plans and Teachers’ Selection |
Barbara Biasi, Yale University |
Cultivating a College-Going Culture: Evidence from the Kalamazoo Promise |
Meredith Billings, Sam Houston State University |
The Effect of Test Score Labels on Post-Secondary Enrollment and Program Choice |
Joshua Brownstein, Michigan State University (Scott Imberman, advisor) |
Foreclosures and Educational Inequality: The role of neighborhood instability on student educational outcomes |
Elizabeth Burland, University of Michigan (Fabian Pfeffer, advisor) |
Reporting Student Growth |
Katherine Castellano, ETS |
Higher Education and Reverse Transfers in Michigan |
Andrea Chambers, Michigan State University (Scott Imberman, advisor) |
The Accessibility and Effects of Instructional Coordinators on Teacher Effectiveness and Retention |
Yi-Chih Chiang, Michigan State University (Jerome Graham, Advisor) |
The School Choice Policy Research Center (SC-PRC): Improving Policy, Implementation, and Outcomes for Disadvantaged Students (REACH)Project |
Joshua Cowen, Michigan State University |
Stymied by the Commute: Does Inequitable Transit Access Tamper College Enrollment in Michigan Cities |
Kathryn Deane, University of Michigan |
Improving the Outcomes of Michigan Students with Disabilities |
Manasi Deshpande, University of Chicago and NBER |
No Place Like Home: A Study of the Educational Outcomes of Homeless Youth and the Joint Impact of Housing and Educational Programs on Educational Outcomes |
Tasminda Dhaliwal, University of Southern California (Katharine Strunk, advisor) |
New Black Teacher Emergence in Michigan |
Steven Drake, Michigan State University (Josh Cowen, advisor) |
Increasing College Opportunities for Low-Income Students |
Susan Dynarski, Harvard University and Katherine Michelmore, University of Michigan |
MiSTEM Advisory Council Grant Return on Investment Impact Study |
Ben Hansen, University of Michigan |
ECMC Foundation Basic Needs Initiative Evaluation |
Michelle Hodara, ECMC |
An Examination of Michigan’s English Learner (EL) Teacher Workforce |
Megan Hopkins, University of California San Diego |
Developing and Evaluating a College Application and Planning Course in Michigan |
Joshua Hyman, Amherst College |
Summer Youth Employment-Michigan |
Brian Jacob, University of Michigan |
Detroit Promise Path Educational Outcomes |
Brian Jacob, University of Michigan |
Juvenile Justice and Education Outcomes |
Brian Jacob, University of Michigan |
Youth Career Pathways Efforts and Outcomes in Michigan |
Brian Jacob, University of Michigan |
Futures for Frontliners |
Brian Jacob, University of Michigan |
The Determinants and Consequences of Child Abuse on Educational Outcomes |
Brian Jacob, University of Michigan |
Evaluation of Comprehensive Literacy Grant |
Brian Jacob, University of Michigan |
The effect of providing teachers with information about student loan forgiveness on |
Brian Jacob, University of Michigan |
The Kid Down the Block: Decomposing Neighborhood and Cohort Exposure Peer Effects |
Alex Johann, Michigan State University (Scott Imberman, Advisor) |
Value Added of Machine Learning in Predicting High School Dropout in Michigan |
Amanda Ketner, University of Michigan |
Academic Trajectories |
Min Lee, University of Chicago |
Student Enrollment and Mobility in Metro Detroit |
Sarah Lenhoff, Wayne State University |
Identifying Factors that Predict Associate Degree Completion Among Students Attending Michigan Community Colleges |
Stephen Linden, University of Toledo |
High Impact Leadership for School Renewal Project |
Xin Ma, University of Kentucky |
The Geography of School Choice: Interrogating Charter School Access for English Learners and Students with Disabilities |
Madeline Mavrogordato, Michigan State University |
Mother and Infant Home Visiting Program Evaluation – Long Term Follow-Up (MIHOPE-LT) |
Charles Michalopoulos, MDRC |
Racial and Economic Inequality in High School Degree Attainment: Unpacking Trajectories of Disadvantage in Student Administrative Data |
Katherine Michelmore, University of Michigan |
School Leaders' Career Trajectories in Charter Schools and Traditional Schools |
Anna Moyer, Vanderbilt University (Ellen Goldring, advisor) |
Understanding the effect of subsidized meals on student outcomes: Evidence from Medicaid direct certification |
Katherine Michelmore, University of Michigan |
The Effect of Community Eligibility Provision on Student Achievement |
Tareena Musaddiq, University of Michigan |
The Impact of Access to Books on Reading Achievement: Evidence from MI |
Jenni Putz, University of Oregon |
Parental Resources, College Major Choice, and Occupational Choice |
Nikhil Rao, University of Michigan (Basit Zafar, advisor) |
The National Charter School Study III |
Margaret Raymond, Stanford University - CREDO |
School Choice and Voting |
Sarah Reckhow, Michigan State University |
Birthdate, Age, and School Performance |
Michael Ricks, University of Michigan (Brian Jacob, Advisor) |
Efficacy Study of Project-based Learning for High School Chemistry and Physics: Crafting Engagement in Science Environments (CESE) |
Barbara Schneider, Michigan State University |
Using Multiple Literacies in Project-based Learning |
Barbara Schneider, Michigan State University |
Exploring the ways that assets can change youth's lives, Part 2 |
Trina Shanks, University of Michigan |
Evaluating a school-based social and material needs identification system to prevent youth violence involvement |
Rebeccah Sokol, University of Michigan |
Travel to Transfer: Examining the Role of Distance in Community College Students' Decision to Transfer to a Four-Year Institution |
Joshua Skiles, University of Michigan |
Improving Evaluations of STEM Programs: An Empirical Investigation of Key Design Parameters |
Jessaca Spybrook, Western Michigan University |
College Affordability |
Kevin Stange, University of Michigan |
Examination of College Acceleration Programs in Michigan |
Kevin Stange, University of Michigan |
The Effects of COVID-19 on Public School Enrollment in Michigan |
Kevin Stange, University of Michigan |
Skills, Majors, and Jobs: Does Higher Education Respond? |
Kevin Stange, University of Michigan |
Competency-Based Education in Michigan |
Katharine Strunk, Michigan State University |
School Choice and Student Mobility in Michigan |
Katharine Strunk, Michigan State University |
Evaluating Michigan's Partnership Turnaround Reform |
Katharine Strunk, Michigan State University |
Teacher Labor Markets |
Katharine Strunk, Michigan State University |
Evaluating Michigan's Early Literacy Law |
Katharine Strunk, Michigan State University |
CALDER Academic Mobility Project |
Katharine Strunk and Tara Kilbride, Michigan State University |
Lead Achievement Gaps and Insights for Remediation: Evidence from the Flint Water Crisis |
Sam Trejo, Princeton University and Brian Jacob, University of Michigan |
Investigating the Effects of Expulsion and State Efforts to Curb its Use |
Matthew Truwit, University of Michigan (Matthew Ronfeld, advisor) |
Improving Opportunities and Achievement for English Learners in Secondary School Settings |
Ilana Umanski, University of Oregon |
District Contracting: Causes and Consequences in Michigan |
Brittany Vasquez, University of Michigan (Brian Jacob, advisor) |
Evaluation of Young Fives Program |
Christina Weiland, University of Michigan |
Cradle to Kindergarten Michigan: Charting a Path towards Equitable High-Quality Early Learning for All |
Christina Weiland, University of Michigan |
Michigan English learners' time to reclassification: A survival analysis |
Paula Winke, Michigan State University |
An Investigation of the Language Demands in Standards, Assessments, and Curricular Materials for English Learners |
Mikyung Wolf, ETS |
Examining the longitudinal effects of the Great Start Readiness Program |
Jamie Wu, Michigan State University |